1Pick a date

2Copy your code

A new version of this tool is available !
But an indexing issue prevents me from making it available on a search engine 😑

While the issue is being resolved, the new version is accessible here:

Discord Date Picker

A simple tool to quickly generate and copy codes for dates and countdowns for Discord messages.

Discord and Dates

Discord, as a messaging platform, supports various tags and codes to format messages: Bold text, create links to channels, messages, or slash commands, etc.

This tool focuses on the date formatting feature using a code in the form <t:1893840480:f>.

Discord avatar example
Yell'O'Wisp Today at 9:50
The event will take place on

Why use a code?

When sharing dates with people across many countries, whether they speak the same language as you or not, you should take into consideration that it won't be read the same way by everyone, which could lead to confusions.

  • People do not share the same timezone,
    one date could correspond to two or more different moments in time
  • They do not write the date the same way,
    some put the month before the day while others don't

For example, 01/05/2034 1:02 PM at New York will be 05/01/2034 19:02 at Paris.

If you have any ideas for improvement, or just a comment, feel free to leave me a message

Thank you for your message!

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